Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet How to Reduce Sniper Rifle Sway

Originally posted by ANSasori:

Is at that place a way to make the affair less shaky when aiming it is a pain to snipe with that properly.

Curretly No


4 Mar, 2018 @ 7:19am

Set it to cap at xxx FPS. 60 FPS causes issues and the reticle swaying too fast is 1 of them.

Originally posted by Nen:

Set it to cap at thirty FPS. 60 FPS causes problems and the reticle swaying besides fast is one of them.

but in that location is no real other fashion like the all time everywhere used "concord breath" option or such right ?

Originally posted past ANSasori:

Originally posted past Nen:

Gear up it to cap at thirty FPS. 60 FPS causes problems and the reticle swaying too fast is one of them.
but there is no real other way like the all fourth dimension everywhere used "hold jiff" option or such right ?


well thats a bummer since sniping is REALLY difficult in this game :S

Originally posted by ANSasori:

well thats a bummer since sniping is Actually difficult in this game :S

Me a sniper. The only thing for me is to quick scope shot and it'south some how skilful with auto-aim when aiming or scope ( medium to a bit long range was really not bad but automobile-aim make it's worst at very very far distance )


four Mar, 2018 @ eight:51am

Originally posted past Nen:

Set it to cap at 30 FPS. 60 FPS causes bug and the reticle swaying too fast is 1 of them.


4 Mar, 2018 @ 8:53am

Crouch, some skills stablize the aim and some sniper rifles are steadier and don't sway much in zoomed view. I was shocked when I switched to AMR Tiamat MK2 from an earlier sniper burglarize equally it sways a lot more than.

For me to featherbed sway. I use car-assist and the marking/lock on skill so I always hit the weak spot after without using zoom. Killed the ending and truthful ending boss in under 10 seconds each. lol.

No legit or otherwise manner to stabilize the sway. All-time choice would be to become reticle every bit close to enemy's weakspot and and so outset scoping, it autoaims for roughly 0.5 second so utilise that to snipe. Even and then it tin be hard to pinpoint some of the smaller weakspots but its amend than naught. I too agree the enemy's are a tad too "twitchy" for my taste.

dunno i play at thirty FPS, can exist my imagination but when my stats were low the sway was pretty hard with the very first sniper rifles i found, using tiamat now and have, compared to when i found the first sniper rile, way higher stats and the sway is really really low....

so maybe stats bear upon that also?

Originally posted by Shino "Sinon" Asada:

dunno i play at 30 FPS, tin can be my imagination simply when my stats were low the sway was pretty hard with the very get-go sniper rifles i found, using tiamat now and accept, compared to when i found the first sniper rile, style higher stats and the sway is actually really low....

so peradventure stats impact that also?

I did try restats many fourth dimension and endeavour build 255 stat to test str vit int agi dex luck zip can aid the sway

Sniping in this game is manner to easy tbh xD if y'all rly have trouble then use the skill "Hawkeye-eye Beacon" or something like that ( I play in High german and then idk the english names)

with this you merely accept to hit a weakspot in one case and and then can just employ the autoaim since the spot wich y'all hitting with information technology can be targeted with it and so.

I used this for fast enemys for case the flying Mechs, Shot his head with information technology so just went Crouch and headshoted it down with autoaim.

This might exist a little solution for you if you have trouble aiming simply nevertheless want to employ sniper.

Originally posted by YoRHa:

Sniping in this game is way to easy tbh xD if yous rly have trouble then use the skill "Hawkeye-heart Beacon" or something like that ( I play in German and so idk the english names)

with this you but have to hitting a weakspot in one case and then tin just utilize the autoaim since the spot wich you hit with it tin can be targeted with it and so.

I used this for fast enemys for case the flying Mechs, Shot his caput with it so merely went Crouch and headshoted it downwardly with autoaim.

This might exist a petty solution for you if you take trouble aiming merely still want to use sniper.

Exactly is.
but tbh if information technology'due south really very very and so far long distance ... it'south all the same worst while enemy moving left right also the auto-aim brand you delay to shoot and the sway make y'all really have a hard time

however I'm actually like to snipping from curt altitude to long distance... feeling similar ohhh cool information technology's hitting the head !!!

Which is my trouble since im pretty much going for LONG range like rly far.
I was used to play arma and stuff but this is jsut :s idk
Mid range i wouldnt take a sniper im going for sniper for those RLY long range shots
They demand to do something about it since it doesnt like like i would snipe in GGO.
I experience more like a combat sniper, for which there are snipers for but the sangfroid is just for those real long shots

Originally posted past ANSasori:

Which is my problem since im pretty much going for LONG range like rly far.
I was used to play arma and stuff but this is jsut :s idk
Mid range i wouldnt take a sniper im going for sniper for those RLY long range shots
They demand to practise something nigh information technology since it doesnt like like i would snipe in GGO.
I experience more like a combat sniper, for which in that location are snipers for only the sangfroid is just for those real long shots

Your just option for sniping in FB is quickscoping. In one case you get used to information technology, it is insanely OP. There's ~0.v seconds of zero waiver, and aim assist will snap immediately to the closest body part that your crosshair is shut to. So if you aim at or slightly to a higher place their head when unscoped, your scoped crosshair will exist expressionless center on their head. So line up the shot unscoped, telescopic in and shoot immediately. Easiest weak spot shots of your unabridged life. I used my rifle in every possible range and I'one thousand doing fine in boss fights and *most* engagements on extreme. Some dungeon rooms are insanely difficult just in full general...


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/app/626690/discussions/0/1696040635919573860/

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